Research for Artificial intelligence (AI) has been around for almost 70 years but since 2020 different AI tools have been available for professionals and society. AI is used not only for analysing data, and creating algorithms, language models, and visuals, but also has a significant impact on education and design by enabling faster and more efficient design processes, creating new opportunities for designers, and enabling the creation of more complex and sophisticated designs. AI and Machine Learning assist designers in tasks such as pattern recognition, image and video manipulation, and design optimization, making the design process faster, more efficient, and more accurate. But at the same time, AI poses moral and ethical questions around the use of personal data, inbuilt biases and discrimination, the potential for job losses, and the lack of accountability and oversight of AI applications and deployments. With every technological leap forward comes a myriad of challenges that should be addressed from all angles and now just on their desirability to increase output and productivity.
SEGD Riga Chapter discussion of Design& Innovation will be an opportunity to hear a range of opinions about challenges, benefits, and opportunities in a world increasingly dependent on technologies in design.
We will touch upon the bias, the privacy, and the Misrepresentation Challenge. There is the Black Box challenge as some AI models and tools cannot explain why they produce a particular result, which is a challenge to transparency requirements. We should discuss the Open-Source challenge and the Intellectual Property and Copyright Challenge as some AI models and tools make use of other people's content. There will be an Employment challenge and how new technological tools impact design professionals today and in the future.